Keeping schedules is a combination of good scheduling by management and real-time tracking of progress.
Guest author, project engineer (scheduling coordinator)

Keeping schedules is a combination of good scheduling by management and real-time tracking of progress.
4/17/24, 11:30 AM
In the construction industry, the phase schedules of construction sites are largely created by one or two individuals.
Creating site allocations, identifying and dividing work phases, estimating and seeking quantities, and setting realistic durations for work phases falls on the shoulders of the scheduling coordinator and possibly the site manager from the very beginning of construction projects.
Other individuals involved in construction projects, such as site supervisors, are often not responsible for the stability of the schedule or other scheduling work. Due to this lack of responsibility, they are often not seen providing feedback on the scheduling process. The valuable experience of many competent, successful, and seasoned professionals remains completely untapped in terms of scheduling throughout the project.
Many subcontractors and supervisors do not plan the scheduling of their own work at all; instead, they rely on the work phase schedule created by the main contractor at the beginning of the project.
These subcontractors and supervisors may be aware of the total quantity of their own work, whether it be in square meters or pieces, but they lack detailed allocation per work area and have not considered the varying durations of work phases based on mass allocation. Therefore, monitoring the overall progress of work phases and contracts becomes challenging when the durations per work area and the amount of work to be completed each month, week, or day are not considered. Even if the masses and area allocations are excellent, many individuals still struggle to grasp how much work should be completed in each area at any given time to stay on schedule.
When the schedule begins to slip early on, it sets off a chain reaction that compounds at the end when work phases are started and completed late. As a result, contractors who fall behind the pace of the work phase schedule early on may face penalties for schedule delays according to the subcontract agreement. However, the major costs arise from rush charges incurred by different contractors and hourly workers towards the end of the project to meet the deadline.
This is where the tool becomes invaluable, allowing supervisors to plan the progress and scheduling of their own responsibilities.
Knowing the installation areas, masses, and quantities per area, as well as the workers in each area, and being able to visualize and track progress by installation supervisor is crucial.
When the sites, what needs to be accomplished, and which workers are performing tasks at each site are known, it becomes much easier to address any potential delays promptly. Visualizing required and scheduled progress is one of the most important tools for managing and understanding required progress at any given time. Lines on paper only lead the most clever and far-sighted individuals. Especially in tight spots, visual tracking methods and progress targets work best for most people, and it's essential to know who is working in each area. This way, upcoming hourly work can also be planned in advance to avoid delays on upcoming contract work areas.
When schedules are kept, budgets stay intact, and the need for claims is minimized.